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converge the ongoing researches in NEUROPSYCHOLOGY, MENTAL HEALTH, ECONOMIC STRUCTURES, FINANCIAL MARKETS, SOCIAL MEDIA, HUMAN BEHAVIOUR, CYCLES OF CIVILIZATIONAL SHIFTS, ECOLOGY and all other crucial  aspects of modern human life , into a coherent narrative that can be followed by responsible and driven members of human society in order to evade the impending civilizational catastrophe that lies ahead of us.


We connect the scattered dots and design ways to create a cultural shift towards desirable value systems that benefit the planet, society and the individual through workshops, media products and activism.


We also gather all needful data on ways to design a feasible blueprint on rebuilding the civilization, in the aftermath of a probable breakdown of our civilizational structures.

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a community of awakened individuals who have taken up the most challenging  task of the 21st century i.e. finding a sustainable balance between

  1. Purush - Individual Human beings, who are designed by nature to chase a feeling of happiness and well-
    being, a feeling which is not absolute but relative, and thus insatiable, in a world that constantly
    produces novel items of consumption everyday.

  2. Prakriti - Planet earth, that is inching towards an energy and ecological crisis due to unsustainable
    depletion of its finite nonrenewable resources.

  3. Pashu - The nihilistic and ruthless Economic machinery of current times, that has assimilated all the
    power centers of the world, in a single minded pursuit of growth for growth’s sake. The current concept
    of growth depends on maximizing our capacities of consumption and pushing them to newer heights.


fight the destructive spread of nihilism that pervades the modern society, through research, incubation and adoption of values that sustain the planet and nurture the human spirit.



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